
secret garden style.

Today we're going to showcase Azriel's 'small style' with a gorgeous backdrop from this past weekend's craft show.  Jeff of Jackson Creek Press has an awesome backyard - and tucked in the furthest corner is this wonderful 'secret garden' space.  We had to do a mini-photo shoot in this ideal location!

Azriel loved the Chinese lanterns growing back here... and Ben was nearby to help navigate some of the unsure footing.

I was loving the broken down brick wall crawling with wild grapevines... I would totally have claimed this as my fort if I lived here.  (And yes, a poncho does seem to hide 5 months of baby brewing going on in that pot)!

Back to Azriel, her entire outfit is thrifted.  The coat was one of my favourite all-time finds for her wardrobe - covered in mushrooms - yes please!!  It's a reversible jacket, and the sleeves even zip off... and I don't know who makes it, sorry (no tag inside).

A perfect coat for hunting treasures in the woods.
A perfect location for snapping shots of my treasure.
And it's Thursday.. so that means we're hopping over to Mama Loves Papa to link up with other cute kids and their cute outfits!

P.S...  I do believe that tomorrow's post will reveal our 'baby bumps' gender!
Come on back and see what 'fashions' await the next egg in our nest.

Thanks for stopping in!
Mel ;o)


  1. Yellowfinchdesigns22 September 2011 at 08:01

    what a beautiful garden. and i love chinese lanterns! i've always wanted to grow them in our garden.
    i'm so curious about the gender!! very exciting :)

  2. what a wonderful secret garden and your bump looks great!

  3. Very cute mushroom top!
    Chinese lanterns totally remind me of being five. They grew in my mum's garden. And the name - so evocative and exotic. I love them so much.
    Nice to see you rockin that bump! Yea!

  4. Stephanie Precourt22 September 2011 at 09:45

    LOVE the mushroom coat!


  5. What gorgeous photos- of all of you! Great thrifted finds for Azriel!

    YAY! Can't wait to find out tomorrow!!!!

  6. That is the perfect backdrop. What a find that jacket was. LOVE! I love the baby bump too. Congratulations!! Mi

  7. I know that jacket!  That is my favorite Gymboree line ever!  EVER!  Hide and Seek I think it was called.  So adorable.  I love the photos!

  8.  ahhh, genius! Thanks for the info Jaime.. great to have discovered you/your blog/your etsy today too!

  9. thanks Morgan! You're always a sweet hostess, and yes, tomorrow will be FUN! ;o)

  10. That little mushroom jacket is adorable and just perfect for exploring the garden.

  11. She's precious...love the jacket!  You look great as well...love the baby bump!!


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